Thursday, August 22, 2013


The pathology came back, and the docs reported they were able to find some malignant cells in the tumor samples. Their wording, not mine. 

All things considered, all the coats here seem thrilled, because that means they think it can be shrunk. Still processing, obviously. 

Right now, we're waiting to get Imogen's body scan done to see if cells have spread anywhere else.  They'll also do a bone marrow thing while she's sedated. 

Prayer request: been a rough day that has moved more and more quickly for us. Every time Imogen has tried to take a nap, the door opens with a new face for a new test. 

We're moving rooms to the cancer floor today, and she's getting her port in tomorrow. We're finding out schedules and seeing when chemo will begin. Docs want to start tomorrow; we're hoping she could have a couple more days to recover from surgery. 


  1. AJ,

    I met you for the first time at the ScreamFree staff meeting a few weeks ago. Just know that, as the father of a 3 year old, I am offering up prayers to the Most High on behalf of your little princess as well as your family. God delivers.

    Kelvin Teamer

  2. We are all still praying for Imogen to have a full and complete healing here. Good news, not so good news... God is in control.

