Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Update 9/10 No.2: #WhoNeedsHair

They are keeping us at the hospital through the night to continue to monitor Imm, but everything is looking good.  No fever today, and her counts appear to be on the up and up. All great news. No bacteria on her port, either! Thank you all!

I was asked for the link to the GoFundMe site my classmates made, so here it is: http://www.gofundme.com/47bl0c

The biggest news for today is that Imm's hair is pretty much gone now. We were so thankful for the cute little bob Robin gave her, but even it was getting a little unwieldy. So off it came. And, I have to say, she looks awesome. Like, legit cutie. So cute that mom and I only got sobby once or twice. 

If you've seen the #ImogenClaireNeedsPrayer around, I had an irreverent thought to change it to #ImogenClaireNeedsHair and see if anyone noticed. Too soon, according to my better, more tactful half.

 Ok, that's it for now. Hoping to head home tomorrow! Thanks for the prayers! God is good. Oh, and shout out to Papa Tom, who already joined the hairless club today. 


  1. I totally agree.."who needs hair?"...she's quite lovely without it!

  2. @Mary Wiggins

    Yes! Who would have thought? She looks pretty darn cute.
