Wednesday, November 12, 2014

...Or Not

We are back from the hospital now, resting at home.  By the way, we're so grateful to our parents, who have been amazingly helpful, taking Aaron and bringing us whatever we need. Thank you, unsung heroes!

I've gotta make this quick; my apologies for any typos or unfinished sentences that

So, we talked with the surgeon after, and here's what Dr. Grey's Anatomy said:  He didn't see a hernia.  After drawing out a picasso-looking diagram of the human body, he explained that there was no "hole" that he saw. Look up hernia on wikipedia, if you don't know exactly what it is. Instead of a hernia, he believes there's a weakness of the abdominal muscles due to nerve weakness/damage/suppression from her surgery or the tumor itself. So far, it's not dangerous to her, as there's no risk of any bowel or other stuff getting stuck and strangled in there and going toxic. Moving forward, the muscles could get stronger, could continue to weaken, or it could stay the same. So, with nothing to do, the doc just played paparazzi and just snapped pics and got out of her belly.

For us, it's frustrating, because we can see a bump poking out of her tiny little abdomen.  It's also another thing with no clear resolution. Add it to the list. But we are glad that the surgeon didn't do any unnecessary surgery, and she did really well with sedation and is recovering fine.  Pray for peace and wisdom and patience for us over the next few days– Immy is really cranky from sedation and medicine, a tree root attacked Tammy last night and snapped her ankle (ER trip, x-ray...sprain), and we're training a puppy who eats pacifiers. We have scans coming up in a month, and we're trying to figure out exactly what we want to happen then, and what we need to do leading up to it.

I'll update again soon when we have some time, but that's it for now.  Thank you all for your prayers!


It's been a while.  Thank God.

The last few months have been blessedly normal.  In fact, we just got back from Immy's Make-A-Wish cruise, and the kids had a blast! I'll do a separate post for that soon with lots of photos.

Getting a princess makeover on the ship.
For today though, we have a quick request for prayer for Imm. This morning, she has surgery to repair a hernia in her lower abdomen. If we've spoken about it before, it's the "bump" we kept seeing.

So the surgeon is going to do a couple things this morning.  First, he is going to repair the hernia, obviously. It's likely a result of either her surgeries or treatment from the last year, so he also wants to see if there are other weaknesses or damage inside that he could fix at the same time.

It looks like we'll be outpatient, but, depending on how much the surgeon sees and fixes, we could be admitted.  Pray for success and no pain for our Tiny.  We'll update when we're out!