Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Rough night

Last night was a bit of a challenge for the three of us.  Imogen had not peed since they took the catheter out, and after 8-10 hours, the team of doctors and nurses get pretty adamant that she needs to go.  We tried everything to get her to go. The water was running, warming pack were on her tummy.  We even sang "Spring Up, Oh Well." (thanks, Jon and Amy)

But in the end, Lisa–our nurse–had to put in a small catheter and get it out because Imogen's belly was getting pretty round and firm.  It was really tough for us because she had been sleeping so peacefully, and we had to wake her up and help hold her down as she screamed for us to stop.

But it was so good we got it out of there, and there was A LOT of tee-tee for such a Tiny.  And she still wanted to sleep with both of us, so no lasting emotional damage, right?

This morning, the surgical nurse came and took off the bandages on her back and said Imogen is healing very well.  No issues there.  The hard thing will be for Tammy and I to wash it and know that we're not hurting her.  But it's a great step toward recovery.  I won't post a picture of that here.

Anyway, still hoping for pathology results to come in on Friday, the same day Immy has her body scan.  I'll be posting a couple pics and videos of the room and Imogen later today for all who haven't been able to come in.

1 comment:

  1. Hey AJ! I heard what is going on with Immy and have been praying for all of you. I work in the Hem/Onc unit at Egleston, so if there is anything I can do for you guys, please let me know. I am glad to hear that you guys have great nurses over there, and that you guys had a better day today. Especially that the pee started to flow :-) The things that nurses get excited about, huh? If that happens again, try wintergreen... We can usually get some from the pharmacy, and sometimes smelling it helps. If it doesn't help, it makes the room smell good, so nothing is lost :-) Praying for complete healing, and for strength, energy, and peace for all of you.

    Amy Lahey
