Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday 8/20

We had a much better night last night. Imogen (and mom) slept very well for long periods.

They're beginning to ween her off the morphine now that's it's been over 36 hours since the surgery. Her bandages look great. 

A couple of updates:
1. Surgeon came by and said he got a look at the MRI results. He got a big chunk out, so there shouldn't be much pressure on the spine. However, it's still wrapped around the nerves, so time will tell if she'll still have difficulty walking. "Time will tell," he says. 
He is gone most of the day, but he'll be back late afternoon to show us the images. 

2. Speaking of that, she's supposed to have physical therapy today to help get her moving about. Pray she's not scared. 

3. Also pray that Imogen doesn't develop any sort of issues from bed rest. She has a pretty bad cough that could develop into pneumonia if she doesn't start moving around. 

4. She slept great, but has also had a pretty high fever come and go. Pray it stays down and she can be comfy.  

5. Lastly, we should have the report from the pathologist today, and we'll know if parts of the tumor are malignant. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Not only will I continue to pray for Imogen and your family, but I will share this with others so that the prayers will continue to spread and surround you all with love and hope. Trust and hold on.

  3. Oh good grief! I see my post 4 times. I hope you do not.

  4. Praying for Imogen and your whole family!

  5. I'm so glad your mom shared this blog with me!!! I've been stalking you guys on fb for updates etc...! WE are praying earnestly for Immy and you all as are my pray chain/pray warriors!! She is constantly on my mind! Much love and prayers!
    Jud and Mandy =)

  6. Continuing in prayer for your entire family. Thanks for the updates - so many are asking and praying.

  7. I know I've just been copying you on work stuff like normal, but know that I'm praying for your family!
