Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Update 9/11: leaving to come back again

We're home again. Imogen had no more fever issues ,n there was no bacteria on her port, and her blood counts were back in the upswing. So, check 'em all off the list! Thanks to you all who we're thinking of us. Fortunately, we were allowed to go back home until Monday, when we go back in for Round 2 of chemo.

Before we went home,though, another couple of folks were added to the no-hair club. Jon & Amy brought us dinner, and just happened to have some clippers with them. I thought it was a #3 buzz I was getting. Turned out to be a #1. Jon also joined in on the fun. Imogen even got to do some of the cutting! Pics are below. 

Once again, we've been blessed beyond comprehension by the offers of support and love. I promise we have read every single word of kindness, even if I haven't yet had a chance to respond. And thanks to the army of mommas who have offered to watch Aaron at a moment's notice.

Remember Mon. 9/23, is Imogen night at Johnny's Pizza in Grayson and Lawrenceville. It will be a blast. 

Monday is Round 2 of chemo. Keep us in your prayers. 

Continue to pray for Imogen's walking to be restored. 

Continue to pray for complete healing and for the tumor to disappear (even if you're not into that sort of thing).  I get caught up in the day-to-day battles sometimes and realize that my expectations and hopes shift and diminish. Until it's gone, I'm praying for healing. 

It's ok if you've butchered Imogen's name up to this point. Lots of people do. We expected that, which is why we gave her Claire as a middle name, in case she ever tires of her parents' decision to give her an old Gaelic name while living in the South. For your consideration, there's no e at the end, and it's pronounced IMM-oh-jenn. That is all. 


  1. Love that arm squeeze from Imogen with her Daddy! Waking up this morning...with Imogen in our prayers being lifted to the Jehovah Raffa! Love you all!

  2. Love that arm squeeze from Imogen with her Daddy! Waking up this morning...with Imogen in our prayers being lifted to the Jehovah Raffa! Love you all!

  3. Lookin' good!

    BTW, I love the name Imogen! I say this as someone who gave her son the old English name Alistair but also the simple middle name of Bill. :)

    Glad to hear things are going well right now!
