Monday, September 30, 2013

Update 9/30 :: Redman, Houses, and Poop

A LOT has happened in the last two days. After the blood transfusion, Imogen's H&H counts (red blood cells and whatnot) went up to a good point, but she was still having fevers. So, her antibiotic was switched from Zosin to Vancomisin (aka Vanc).

For the record, I neither know nor care how these are actually spelled.

I had actually stepped away for a little bit to take care of some househunting (more on that later).  When I got back to the Aflac ward, I heard screaming coming from down the hall. It was unmistakably my Immy. As I threw the door open, I saw Imogen, as red as a strawberry.  Tammy and the nurse were trying to get her to take some medicine, but she was screaming and clawing at her own skin. It was possibly the saddest moment of this whole experience for me.

The medicine they were trying to give Imogen was Benadryl. It turns out that she had a reaction to the Vanc. Rather, it was a side effect known as "redman syndrome" that can happen to people taking the antibiotic.  The skin gets bright red (duh), and the patient gets itchy all over.  Fortunately, we were able to get Imm to swallow the Benadryl, and the itching and redness subsided. 

I undestand why they call us "patients" now. So much of this has been a process of waiting on medicine to kick in, waiting on temperatures to drop, waiting on the Lord to see how and where He shows Himself faithful.

The next morning (Sunday), Imm's blood cultures came back again negative for bacteria (yay), but her platelet count was less than 10. For reference, you and I are considered in the low range if we have a score of 140.  

So, we got a platelet infusion, which looks like grapefruit juice, in case you were wondering. We found out this morning that they helped her counts a lot, and she's back in a "normal" range– not you and me normal; cancer-normal– for those.  The tests are still coming back negative for bacterial infections, so it looks like a random virus that is just playing itself out. She has to be fever-free for 24 hours before they'll let Imogen go home. 

Today has been a pretty nice day. It feels like we're finally getting our Immy Claire back. She has an appetite, she's walking around the hospital, and SHE FINALLY POOPED. That was a minor, but constant, concern for the last six days. 

IN OTHER NEWS!!! We did sell our house. Everything is moving along swimmingly with that, but that means we're trying to find a house. We believe God sent us a buyer at the right time, and we believe (aka desperately hope) that the same will be true of where we're supposed to go next. In fact, maybe you know someone in the Kirkwood/Decatur area that is selling or would rent their house. In case you do, we're looking for something that is either newer or updated (old stuff + cancer is not a great mix):

1. City schools of Decatur is our dream from heaven; but nice parts of kirkwood will do, too. :)
2. 3+ bedrooms
3. Decent yard space for playing
4. Swim/tennis?

It might even be a solution for a few months or a year.  Anyway, email me at if you know of anyone who has lived in their house in Oakhurst for 50 years, and wants to almost give it away!  (or anything else you may know of)

Thanks again! I'll try to update in the morning.  We should be just monitoring her as she plays, and hoping for no fevers, as that would reset our 24-hour clock for staying admitted.

Oh, as a final thing: we went outside yesterday to have a little picnic.  Can you tell from my photo stream I thought she looked cute?

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